recc ==== ``recc`` is the Remote Execution Caching Compiler. It is a cross between ``ccache`` and ``distcc`` using the `Remote Execution APIs `_. When invoked with a C/C++ compilation command, it will use the APIs to communicate with a Remote Execution service (such as `BuildGrid `_) to first determine whether the same build has been done before and is cached. If the build is cached remotely, download the result. Otherwise, enqueue the build to be executed remotely using the same execution service which will then dispatch the job to a worker, such as `buildbox-worker `_. More information about ``recc`` and ``BuildGrid`` can be found in the `presentation `__ we gave at Bazelcon 2018, and on this `blog post `_. ``recc`` is in active development and in use at `Bloomberg `__. On Linux it primarily supports gcc; and on Solaris/Aix it supports vendor compilers. Clang support is currently (very) experimental. For information regarding contributing to this project, please read the `Contribution guide `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: installation.rst running.rst cmake-integration.rst additional-utilities.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`